all postcodes in L32 / LIVERPOOL

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
L32 4SA3053.474258-2.894847
L32 4SD2053.4735-2.899771
L32 4SE4053.472833-2.906252
L32 4SF4053.472385-2.902476
L32 4SG16053.47937-2.907114
L32 4SH20053.479622-2.90822
L32 4SJ19053.480385-2.908432
L32 4SL1053.480566-2.909385
L32 4SN16053.480623-2.907789
L32 4SP14053.479184-2.906779
L32 4SQ27053.480075-2.907792
L32 4SR6053.478899-2.906411
L32 4SS4153.473327-2.906217
L32 4ST14053.477422-2.902025
L32 4SU14053.478662-2.905728
L32 4SW22053.480921-2.90766
L32 4SX20153.478345-2.904817
L32 4SY7153.480015-2.906239
L32 4SZ26053.478752-2.904464
L32 4TA22053.476405-2.903345